Monday 5 December 2016

How To Get Zodiac Flowers For Free

Tim from Runaway mentioned in his latest live broadcast that Zodiac flower missions appear in a voodoo-black-magic fashion (lol!), but after a while it is quite easy to understand how it works. So how do you actually get these rare pretties?

Short answer:

You can earn Zodiac flowers from Michelle. You get a chance of landing on a Zodiac flower mission on the 3rd hard mission of the day. 

Long answer:

Missions from Michelle follow a pattern. She gives you an easy mission first, if you complete it successfully she gives you an intermediate mission next, and finally she gives you a hard mission. Then the cycle resets. So every time you reach a hard mission, there is a chance of you bagging a Zodiac mission from her!

Easy missions take 30 mins or 1 hour. Intermediate missions take 4 hours. Hard missions take 8 hours.

If you fail an easy or intermediate mission, the cycle resets and you need to start from the beginning. The cycle also automatically resets at midnight.

Watch Tim’s explaination here! (approc 22:30) He also mentioned that they are revamping the missions system, and the update will only be ready next year onwards, so for now you can only rely on this method.

Tips to get more Zodiac flowers

1) Narrowing down your mission options

Michelle never gives you a mission if you don’t have that particular moth in your forest already. Moths in your storage don’t count, so far throughout my entire gameplay I have never encountered getting a mission that requires me to retrieve a moth from my storage. Hence, you can actually rig missions by storing all other possible 8 hour mission moths to increase your chances of landing on a Zodiac mission.

Moths to have in your forest for Zodiac missions (fully levelled):

  1. Four O'Clock Moth 
  2. Any Large Moth 
  3. Diva Moth 
  4. Any Rare Moth 

Moths you can keep away to increase the chances of Zodiac missions:

  1. ALL Small moths 
  2. Sweet Potato Hornworm 
  3. ALL Zodiac moths 

And if you have a large storage space and want to push your chances even higher you can also store:

  • ALL Uncommon moths 
  • ALL Large moths (decreases 1 Zodiac mission chance but ups your chances of landing on other Zodiac missions)

For a full list of missions, moths required and their rewards, refer to this wiki page.

2) Mission switching

If you do not land on a Zodiac mission for your 8 hour flight, you can choose switch missions immediately so you do not waste time!

For example, mission no.4 "Inferno" requires 1 Glowbuck to switch to, and only takes 1 hour to run. At the end of the mission you get 1 Glowbuck back as a reward! Wheeee~! (If you are narrowing down your mission options by storing all small moths, remember to store the Fiery Campylotes when its back.)

After you complete a switched mission, the mission cycle resets. This means that you need to complete an easy and intermediate mission once more before Michelle will give you another hard mission.

3) Half time mission events

Runaway occasionally have events for half price mission switching and half time missions. It is a great opportunity to take advantage of these events to rack up Zodiac flowers!

Buying Zodiac flowers from the Shop

Sometimes Zodiac flowers will also be available in the Shop, so don't forget to keep checking when it refreshes! They can be bought with both Glowbucks or honeydew coins.

Happy Starry Fluttering~! ♥


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  1. What would be the best way to complete this set?

    So I am early on in the game with the completed sets of Polli, Hoshi and Hawkmoth. I have the whole Silva set but only the ruby tiger and crimson speckled footman perfected. I also have a couple event moths which leads me to having a flutterpedia score of: 1,940. I've basically locked up all my moths that I don't need in storage and I've been trying to strategize how to get zodiac flowers and zodiac moths.

    Here's what i've come up with:

    Assuming that every mission you do you get 1 zodiac flower, a 10% flower each day, it would take 13 hours per one mission round to just get that 10% flower. I usually only get through one round mission per day because of normal life and obligations, so I can't be sending moths on missions after they're done midday. Now factoring in that you need a 100% flower for each zodiac, to guarantee that you get that Zodiac moth egg, it takes 16 10% flowers just to get that 100% flower. So if one mission round takes 1 day, you'd have to go 16 days of that one mission round to get that one 100% Zodiac flower as a result. Each Zodiac moth is only around for 30-32 days so you'd only get 2 zodiac moths to fuse together not even getting that moth perfected. This cycle of getting two moths per year could take 3 years just to perfect that set. I've thought of only 1.5 solutions to this problem

    1. Get an event decoration that grants a moth to lay an egg. As I don't really particularly want to spend $19.99 on a decoration in the store, I would have to save glow bucks to try and get visiting moths to lay their eggs from that specific event set. This would take an immense amount of time to get all those moths of one specific events with that special laid egg decoration, which if i'm not willing to buy glowbucks I could potentially miss the moth that I want to lay an egg, causing a headache.

    1.5. Wait and see if an upcoming event offers an egg laying decoration, which is unlikely and hard to come around, very chanced situation.

    I have no other ideas how to solve this dilemma, so if anyone has any, i'd be glad to hear them. Also, I want to expand my flutterpedia and get new moths but I do not have the storage space for the moths that wouldn't fit the requirements if I added them; so it's this big kind of question whether to just say: "IDC about Zodiacs and go on with life or waste like a whole year trying to get the damn things. Idk I need some help on what to do.

    1. Hi Nov,

      (Actually it takes 8 x 10% to make a 100% flower)

      1. Yeaps Egg layer decorations help a lot, however we usually prioritise using them for events first before using them to complete other sets.

      2. Check the shop for daily deals. Sometimes you can get a 20% Zodiac flower for honeydew coins. To increase the chances of getting them from the shop, complete as many core sets as possible. Region flowers for the core sets will no longer appear in the shop once the core set has been perfected, leaving you to dabble with your luck around the remaining core sets/zodiac + size + rarity flowers.

      3. If you have perfected the Ameku event, you can earn a deco to switch missions within the same tier. So if you do not manage to get a zodiac mission for your 8 hour run, this deco lets you reroll for another 8 hour mission.

      4. The deco earned by perfecting the Joya event lets you hurry a mission

      Ideally it would be good to make at least 1 x 100% zodiac flower each month to unlock all moths. You need to login the game at least 3 times a day to be able to get a chance to roll for a zodiac mission, else the cycle resets at midnight and you go back to getting an easy mission. If you manage to get 1 zodiac mission a day there should be no problem getting at least 3 full 100% zodiac flowers in a month. Then you can get the remaining copies through extra flowers or egg layers. But yea no doubt this set requires a long term commitment.
